Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • In Her Own Words: The Women Making an Impact at Roamtech Solutions

    Tell us about yourself. My name is Doreen Nyawira Muthoni, I was born and raised in Kirinyaga. I am a dedicated and warm-hearted individual who values both personal and professional relationships. In my free time, I enjoy listening to music, riding bikes, and swimming. One of the unique aspects of who I am is my […]

  • In Her Own Words: The Women Making an Impact at Roamtech Solutions

    Today, we’re shining a spotlight on the incredible Koki Ndeto as she shares about herself and being part of the Roamtech Solutions Limited team Wow that is a wide question. But I guess I would describe myself as very enthusiastic and empathetic. I am outgoing, social, extroverted. I enjoy connecting with people and building relationships, […]

  • Conversational Marketing

    Conversational marketing is a customer-centric approach that uses chatbots, messaging apps, and AI-driven communication tools to facilitate real-time conversations between businesses and customers. Unlike traditional marketing, which relies on one-way communication methods, conversational marketing aims to create a two-way dialogue, making interactions more engaging and personalized. Why is Conversational Marketing Booming Advancements in AI and […]

  • Marketing Through the Ages

    Reaching a wide audience requires understanding how different generations consume information and respond to marketing messages. Here’s a breakdown of key considerations for various generations: Baby Boomers (Born 1946-1964): Preferred Platforms: Facebook, LinkedIn Focus on traditional media like TV, print ads (newspapers, magazines), and direct mail. Messaging: Emphasize brand trust, reliability, and value for money. […]

  • Mental health does not discriminate

    For many, mental health struggles are often shrouded in silence, particularly for men. The traditional image of masculinity can create a stigma that discourages men from seeking help, leading to a higher risk of suffering alone. However, the truth is this: mental health doesn’t discriminate. Men are just as susceptible to mental health conditions as […]

  • Financial literacy shapes how we view and handle money

    Below are a few pointers on how to start your journey to financial literacy and finally financial freedom Identify a starting PointFor a start, calculate your net worth to gauge your current financial health and progress over time.Net worth is the difference between your current assets and current liabilities.This will determine if you are doing […]

  • Motherhood in the Corporate Space

    I would like to talk about motherhood in the Corporate space.Being a young woman in the Corporate space has come with the unavoidable balance that has to be family, career and general life balance.As a woman who has had to balance motherhood in two different workspaces, I would say that I have seen two sides […]

  • My journey in the Fintech Space.

    After celebrating International Women’s Day, and honouring women’s history month, it’s essential to reflect on the strides women have made in various sectors, including the dynamic landscape of financial technology (Fintech). This year’s theme, “Invest in Women, Accelerate Progress,” resonates profoundly with my journey in the Fintech space and the broader narrative of women empowerment. […]

  • Harmony of Inclusion: A Tribute to Women’s Empowerment

    In the world of tech, eleven years ago I began,An intern, green and eager, yet not without a plan.In ICT’s expanse, amid the seasoned and the sage,I embarked on a journey, ready to turn the page. Shoutout to those who took a chance on a rookie’s quest,Believed in my potential, and put me to the test.Though […]

  • My Journey of Inclusion in the Tech space

    As we celebrate International Women’s Day, in line with this year’s theme “Inspire Inclusion” . It is an opportune moment to reflect on the progress made and the challenges that persist in the tech industry regarding the inclusion of women. As a junior mobile developer with one year of experience in a dynamic tech company, […]

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