In Her Own Words: The Women Making an Impact at Roamtech Solutions

Tell us about yourself.

My name is Doreen Nyawira Muthoni, I was born and raised in Kirinyaga. I am a dedicated and warm-hearted individual who values both personal and professional relationships. In my free time, I enjoy listening to music, riding bikes, and swimming. One of the unique aspects of who I am is my deep love for God and my strong connection with my family, which continually inspires and motivates me.

  1. If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?

If I could have any superpower, I would  choose the ability to instantly understand and speak any language. I think it would be incredible to connect with people from all over the world on a deeper level, break down barriers, and really understand different cultures and perspectives. Plus, it would be a lot of fun to dive into all kinds of literature, music, and art in their original forms. Not forgetting I do love to know Chinese. Having interacted with them I have gained a love for the language.

  1. Which historical figure would you most like to meet?

If I could meet any historical figure, I would choose Nelson Mandela. His leadership, resilience, and commitment to justice and reconciliation are deeply inspiring. Remember all this I got from my primary school teacher describing him and from then he became someone I have learned to admire and wish that all African leaders can emulate him. I would  love to hear about his experiences and his vision for a more equitable world. Mandela’s ability to transform his personal struggle into a broader movement for change is something I deeply admire.

  1. What three items would you take with you to a deserted island?

My Son because I would not want to be separated from him ever.

Durable, waterproof tent to protect us from the sun rays and give us protections as we slowly build our house.

A solar-powered radio to always receive updates on how the world is doing out-there.

4.What drew you to your current role?

I was drawn to my current role because it allows me to combine my passion for the HR profession with the opportunity to make a meaningful impact. I am motivated by the chance to tackle challenges, collaborate with a talented team, and contribute to projects that align with my values and goals. It is exciting to be part of something that not only pushes me to grow professionally but also makes a positive difference.

5.What is your dream career goal?

My dream career goal is to become a Human Resources Director at a major private company. I envision a role where I can leverage my expertise in HR to shape and implement strategies that drive organizational success and foster a positive work environment. I am excited about the opportunity to influence company culture, support employee development, and lead initiatives that align with the company’s vision and values. Ultimately, I want to contribute to creating a workplace where people are inspired, engaged, and empowered to reach their full potential.

6. What’s one thing you’re really good at?

As an HR and Administrative  Officer, one thing I am particularly skilled at is fostering positive workplace relationships. I excel at understanding team dynamics, resolving conflicts, and creating an environment where employees feel valued and engaged.

7.What’s a skill you’d like to improve on?

I would like to improve my skills in data analytics. By enhancing my ability to analyze and interpret employee data and performance metrics, I can better inform decision-making, identify trends, and develop more strategic HR initiatives.

8.If you were a superhero, what would your superhero name be?

Number Five his role in The Umbrella Academy Series

I would love to be in Aidan Gallagher’s role in *The Umbrella Academy* series. His character has the ability to move across different time-lines and make changes, which I would use to correct aspects of my life and improve things for my family as well. Number Five possesses the extraordinary ability to travel through time and space. This power allows him to jump to different points in time and manipulate events, which he often uses to try to fix mistakes and prevent disasters.

9.What is your go-to karaoke song?

Just give me a reason by Pink



