Harmony of Inclusion: A Tribute to Women’s Empowerment

In the world of tech, eleven years ago I began,
An intern, green and eager, yet not without a plan.
In ICT’s expanse, amid the seasoned and the sage,
I embarked on a journey, ready to turn the page.
Shoutout to those who took a chance on a rookie’s quest,
Believed in my potential, and put me to the test.
Though doubts and scepticism sometimes clouded my way,
I persevered with passion, come whatever may.
From Intern to Project Manager, each role I did embrace,
Learning, growing, evolving, in this fast-paced race.
Now as a Product Owner, with dreams set high and wide,
I stand on the precipice, with confidence and pride.
Grateful for the mentors who guided me along the way,
I strive to pay it forward, for that’s the debt I pay.
For women and for society, inclusion is the key,
To unlock our true potential, and set our spirits free.
So let’s break down biases, and embrace diversity,
Lead with hearts wide open, in pursuit of unity.
With continuous improvement, and access to education,
We’ll empower future leaders, igniting innovation.
On this International Women’s Day, let our voices ring,
For a world where all are valued, where all can spread their wings.
Together, hand in hand, we’ll build a brighter tomorrow,
For our daughters, for our children, and for the world we borrow.
By Kezia Mathenge



