My Journey of Inclusion in the Tech space

As we celebrate International Women’s Day, in line with this year’s theme “Inspire Inclusion” . It is an opportune moment to reflect on the progress made and the challenges that persist in the tech industry regarding the inclusion of women. As a junior mobile developer with one year of experience in a dynamic tech company, I’ve witnessed firsthand both the strides we’ve taken and the work that still lies ahead to create a truly inclusive environment for women in tech.

Personal Experience : My journey into the tech industry has been marked by significant successes and valuable experiences that have shaped my growth as a woman in tech. It all started during my university years, where I discovered my passion for mobile development. With each project and class, I found myself drawn to the creative process of building mobile applications and solving complex problems.

Transitioning from university to an internship role and eventually becoming a junior mobile applications developer at Roamtech has been an incredible journey filled with milestones and achievements. From developing my first mobile application during university to contributing to impactful projects as a junior developer, each success has been a testament to my determination and dedication.

As a woman navigating a predominantly male dominated  field, I’ve encountered my fair share of challenges, one of the most daunting being imposter syndrome. The fear of not belonging or not being good enough plagued my early days in the tech industry. However, with the support of mentors, colleagues, and a nurturing environment, I learned to embrace the learning curve that comes with new opportunities, understanding that it is normal to feel a sense of discomfort when stepping out of my comfort zone. To take every opportunity to learn and grow.

Initiatives such as  regular feedback sessions, and inclusive team collaborations at Roamtech have played a crucial role in my professional development. Having supervisors who believed in my potential and offered guidance along the way has been instrumental in building my confidence and skill set.

As I reflect on my journey, I am grateful for the opportunities and support that have empowered me to thrive as a woman in tech. Despite the challenges, my experiences have reinforced my belief in the importance of diversity, inclusion, and the limitless potential of women in the tech industry.

Conclusion : The inclusion of women in the tech industry is not just a matter of fairness—it’s essential for driving innovation, creativity, and business success. Research has shown that diverse teams outperform homogeneous ones, bringing fresh perspectives and ideas to the table. By fostering an inclusive culture that values and celebrates diversity, companies can unlock the full potential of their workforce and remain competitive in a rapidly evolving tech landscape. As we celebrate International Women’s Day, let us recommit ourselves to the cause of gender equality in the tech industry. Prioritize diversity and inclusion initiatives, from inclusive hiring practices to leadership development programs. Individuals can support women in tech by mentoring, advocating for equal opportunities, and amplifying the voices of female colleagues. Together, we can create a future where women are empowered to thrive and succeed in the tech industry.



